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Saturday, October 13, 2012

How to Check Your VirusGuard Performance

It’s too easy and you can check it yourself. After installing Virus Scan, you may logically wonder, how do I know if it's working?

To test your installation, copy the following line into its own file, then save the file with the name Infrmation.exe Notepad File More detailed instructions are found below.
If Virus Scan is running and configured correctly, when you try to save the file, Virus Scan will detect the virus. If Virus Scan is not running, start it and scan the directory that contains Information.exe Notepad File When your software scans this file, it will report finding the EICAR test file.

This file is NOT A VIRUS. Delete the file when you have finished testing your installation to avoid alarming unsuspecting users.
All the steps shown below as in screen shots